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Agricultural Consultancy & Project Management

Agro Inc has had extensive experience in agro-industry development and consulting in the West Africa sub-region. Our team of PMI certified project management professionals is recognized today for its value in understanding the critical issues necessary to succeed in a developing country business environment. We provide clients with a complete range of services in support of agro-industry project development and implementation from feasibility studies, inception, structuring, financing, trade and investment through design, engineering, implementation and operational management.

Our long-established understanding of marketing, pricing and regulatory issues associated with the agricultural sector affords Agro Inc pioneer status in public-private partnerships. Specializing in sector analysis and market research, we have provided services to non-governmental organizations and financial institutions seeking assistance with trade and investment promotion as well as private corporations seeking support with market access. We regularly participate in sector-focused trade missions, conferences, investor presentations, and workshops.

We are expanding our Farmer Field School program from pilot sites conducted in partnership with the Global CSS Foundation. Our team of agricultural extension specialists train farmers and farm workers in modern, yet locally-specific, crop management practices. Using participatory, experiential, and learner-centered educational methods, our facilitators focus on maintenance and post-harvest techniques aimed at curtailing high local qualitative and quantitative crop losses.

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